
Introducing our team: Julia Schreiber

Name: Julia Schreiber

Position at GSKH: IP Apprentice

When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?

During my training as an...

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Name: Julia Schreiber

Position at GSKH: IP Apprentice

When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?

During my training as an educator, I realized that I prefer working in an office. That’s why I only worked in my job for a short time and then searched for a position in an office. It was there that I came across GSKH by chance and that’s how everything took its course.

What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?

The last Christmas party was a great event for me. The good atmosphere, the great food and the fact that we simply laughed, talked and sang a lot together made this the greatest moment for me so far.

What does GSKH represent for you?

You can feel a good team spirit here. I noticed that in my first few days here and it’s the most important thing for me to know that I can rely on my colleagues and they can rely on me.
