Maximilian Wittmer und Moritz Breitreiner nehmen am AIPPI World Congress in Hangzhou teil und freuen sich auf gute Gespräche, regen Austausch und ...
Maximilian Wittmer und Moritz Breitreiner nehmen am AIPPI World Congress in Hangzhou teil und freuen sich auf gute Gespräche, regen Austausch und kulturelle Bereicherungen.
Wir bilden aus…und das mit Freude und Erfolg 😉 Wir gratulieren Frau Mykhaylova zu Ihrer mit Bestnote bestandenen Abschlussprüfung zur Patentanw...
Wir bilden aus…und das mit Freude und Erfolg 😉 Wir gratulieren Frau Mykhaylova zu Ihrer mit Bestnote bestandenen Abschlussprüfung zur Patentanwaltsfachangestellten! Eine tolle (Team-) Leistung!
Auch dieses Jahr sind wir wieder dabei gewesen und haben uns von der atemberaubenden Stimmung im Olympiapark förmlich mitreißen lassen! Bei optim...
Auch dieses Jahr sind wir wieder dabei gewesen und haben uns von der atemberaubenden Stimmung im Olympiapark förmlich mitreißen lassen! Bei optimalen Temperaturen und mit tatkräftiger Unterstützung aus Japan sind wir nach knapp 6 Kilometern im Olympiastadium eingelaufen. Ein tolles event mit einem tollen Team….wir freuen uns schon auf’s nächste Jahr!
Name: Cornelius Seeling
Position at GSKH: Trainee patent attorney
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a patent attorney?
I actuall...
Name: Cornelius Seeling
Position at GSKH: Trainee patent attorney
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a patent attorney?
I actually came across the profession of patent attorney by chance and found the job description immediately very exciting as the profession offers the opportunity to work in a variety of technical fields at the same time. After some further research, this impression was only reinforced. And now, two and a half years into my training, I have to say that said impression has been confirmed completely.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
During our company outing, we were paddling on the Danube river when an enormous thunderstorm was about to catch up with us. Let’s just say the paddling frequency increased a little.
What does GSKH represent for you?
It is a mixture of interesting clients from various fields of technology and a familiar, young and always helpful team.
Name: Jasmin Mykhaylova
Position at GSKH: Apprentice IP Paralegal
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?
After gradua...
Name: Jasmin Mykhaylova
Position at GSKH: Apprentice IP Paralegal
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?
After graduating my A-levels, I was looking for something challenging and varied. At the time, my friend’s sister was a trained patent paralegal and was able to tell me a lot about the apprenticeship and the work process, which also matched my interests.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
When I saw the two big Law books (Habersack) on my desk on the first day of my apprenticeship.
What does GSKH represent for you?
At the beginning I was afraid, because it was my first time in the “working world” but I was warmly welcomed into a young and very competent team, which is always ready to answer all my questions.
Ende Mai waren Helge von Hirschhausen und Dr. Stefan Eichhammer gemeinsam auf der INTA in Atlanta, die wie jedes Jahr ein wahres Feuerwerk an inter...
Ende Mai waren Helge von Hirschhausen und Dr. Stefan Eichhammer gemeinsam auf der INTA in Atlanta, die wie jedes Jahr ein wahres Feuerwerk an interessanten Begegnungen bot. Inspirierende Gespräche mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen, sowie das Knüpfen neuer Kontakte bestätigten auch dieses Jahr aufs Neue, dass sich die weite Reise lohnt!
Name: Nicole Volkmer
Position at GSKH: Team-assistant / Reception Munich Office
When and how did I come up with the idea of working for an IP offic...
Name: Nicole Volkmer
Position at GSKH: Team-assistant / Reception Munich Office
When and how did I come up with the idea of working for an IP office?
Years ago, I can’t really remember, but its my second company and I am happy to be here. Also, the job interview with Mr. Hirschhausen was one of the reasons, why I am here now because it was unique.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
All the events like museum visits, trips, Oktoberfest and the last Christmas party we celebrated and visit together are catching moments. We are making good memories as a team together and we laugh a lot.
What does GSKH represent for you?
GSKH represents for me a good working place with a good team and atmosphere as well as a wonderful team spirit. If you come to work you come happy and not in a bad mood, so that’s important because it’s a place where you want to work.
Name: Maximilian von der Grün
Position at GSKH: Trainee Patent Attorney
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?
Name: Maximilian von der Grün
Position at GSKH: Trainee Patent Attorney
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?
This was after my Ph.D. thesis in mechanical engineering and more of a coincidence, when I was looking for something challenging and varied, but also related to technical innovations.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
The first oral hearing I was able to attend.
What does GSKH represent for you?
Positive and supportive working environment combined with professional work.
Name: Hanna von Schwerin
Position at GSKH: Team-Assistant/Receptionist at the Munich Office
When and how did I come up with the idea of working for...
Name: Hanna von Schwerin
Position at GSKH: Team-Assistant/Receptionist at the Munich Office
When and how did I come up with the idea of working for an IP Office?
A little over a year ago I had finished my apprenticeship as a foreign language correspondent and a friend suggested to work in an IP Office, and I decided I’d give it a try.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
Successfully planning a business trip/conference on my own for the first time. It was a lot of work and I was proud when I was done.
What does GSKH represent for you?
As this is my first real job, I had a lot to learn. I was met with open arms and a lot of patience. Working here has not only helped me grow as an employee, but as a person as well.
Name: Christian Schiener
Position at GSKH: IP Paralegal
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming an IP Paralegal?
Upon recommendation b...
Name: Christian Schiener
Position at GSKH: IP Paralegal
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming an IP Paralegal?
Upon recommendation by a former fellow student at the SDI München (Sprachen- und Dolmetscherinstitut).
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
Helping a known board game designer, whose games I have in my collection of board games, to defend his property rights against competitors.
What does GSKH represent for you?
Friendly, encouraging working environment and the team spirit. We work together to achieve our goals.
Name: Fiona Schnepf
Position at GSKH: IP Paralegal
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?
I grew up bilingual and I a...
Name: Fiona Schnepf
Position at GSKH: IP Paralegal
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?
I grew up bilingual and I always wanted to combine my language skills with my career. Working in IP offers an international and modern work environment which I really enjoy.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
Finishing my final exam and receiving my degree in 2021.
What does GSKH represent for you?
For me, GSKH represents working in an interesting and diverse job with a supportive, professional and young team.
Name: Julia Schreiber
Position at GSKH: IP Apprentice
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?
During my training as an...
Name: Julia Schreiber
Position at GSKH: IP Apprentice
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a IP Paralegal?
During my training as an educator, I realized that I prefer working in an office. That’s why I only worked in my job for a short time and then searched for a position in an office. It was there that I came across GSKH by chance and that’s how everything took its course.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
The last Christmas party was a great event for me. The good atmosphere, the great food and the fact that we simply laughed, talked and sang a lot together made this the greatest moment for me so far.
What does GSKH represent for you?
You can feel a good team spirit here. I noticed that in my first few days here and it’s the most important thing for me to know that I can rely on my colleagues and they can rely on me.
Auch in diesem Jahr hat Dr. Maximilian Wittmer als Referent bei seiner Alma Mater interessierten Studierenden und Promovierenden gemeinsam mit Koll...
Auch in diesem Jahr hat Dr. Maximilian Wittmer als Referent bei seiner Alma Mater interessierten Studierenden und Promovierenden gemeinsam mit Kollegen aus weiteren Kanzleien und der Industrie sowie Vertretern der Patentämter Rede und Antwort zur Arbeit als Patentanwalt gestanden.
Name: Alexander Müller
Position at GSKH: Patent Attorney, Associate
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?
After ...
Name: Alexander Müller
Position at GSKH: Patent Attorney, Associate
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?
After completing my studies in physics and econo-physics, I was looking for a position that would combine my physical-technical expertise with my knowledge of technology and innovation management in industries.
I became aware of this career field through a patent attorney friend of my father. When it became clear that dealing with language would also play an important role in this job, the decision was made for me, since I already enjoyed writing texts at school.
After an internship at an industrial company, I was finally ready to start the training.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
During my training at the Federal Patent Court, a hearing was held on whether a patent in the field of vacuum cleaners was null and void, i.e. whether its protection would expire. This trial was part of an extensive worldwide dispute. Both parties had the vacuum cleaner models in question with them for inspection, and they came up trumps with their expert knowledge.
While deliberating during the break in the proceedings, the chairwoman joked quite dryly:
„The male attorneys here are acting as if they know everything there is to know about vacuum cleaners. But presumably none of them has ever used a vacuum cleaner himself at home!“
This incident showed me that even the highest German patent judges are still having fun doing their job.
What does GSKH represent for you?
On the one hand, large enough to be able to represent major global companies in all areas of intellectual property.
On the other hand, still small enough to be able to maintain a comfy working atmosphere in which one does not feel like a replaceable wheel in the gear.