
Introducing our Team: Angela Langgartner

1. Name: Angela Langgartner

2. Position at GSKH: Accountant Munich Office

3. When and how did I come up with the idea of working in an IP Office?...


1. Name: Angela Langgartner

2. Position at GSKH: Accountant Munich Office

3. When and how did I come up with the idea of working in an IP Office?
This was 2018 and more of a coincidence, the job had interested me. Now, I have come to love the multifaceted international nature of my daily work that allows me to cooperate with accounting colleagues all over the world.


4. What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
The change from self-employment to employment at my age – but it turned out to be no problem at all, it was an opportunity, motivates me, and keeps me interested and fit.


5. What does GSKH represent for you?
For me GSKH means independent work with a lot of fun in a young team. Respectful interaction with each other, flat hierarchies and a very pleasant environment. In addition, I, as well as our clients, appreciate the personal commitment and performance of our partners.
