
Introducing our Team: Markus Alsing

01. Name: Markus Alsing
02. Position at GSKH: Trainee Patent Attorney Munich Office

03. When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Pate...


01. Name: Markus Alsing
02. Position at GSKH: Trainee Patent Attorney Munich Office

03. When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?

During my internship at GSKH, I quickly realized that the patent system, with its variety of technical content and simultaneous need for linguistic precision, was exactly what I had been looking for.

04. What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
A personal highlight was, of course, the first time one of my own arguments helped sway the opinion of an EPO opposition division in favor of our client.

05. What does GSKH represent for you?
For me, GSKH represents a comprehensive approach to IP-consulting, which is based above all on thoroughness and specifically tailored to each client. Besides, I have always found working with the team here very enjoyable.
