Name: Alexander Müller
Position at GSKH: Patent Attorney, Associate
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?
After ...
Name: Alexander Müller
Position at GSKH: Patent Attorney, Associate
When and how did I come up with the idea of becoming a Patent attorney?
After completing my studies in physics and econo-physics, I was looking for a position that would combine my physical-technical expertise with my knowledge of technology and innovation management in industries.
I became aware of this career field through a patent attorney friend of my father. When it became clear that dealing with language would also play an important role in this job, the decision was made for me, since I already enjoyed writing texts at school.
After an internship at an industrial company, I was finally ready to start the training.
What was the most catching moment/adventure/happening, … in your career so far?
During my training at the Federal Patent Court, a hearing was held on whether a patent in the field of vacuum cleaners was null and void, i.e. whether its protection would expire. This trial was part of an extensive worldwide dispute. Both parties had the vacuum cleaner models in question with them for inspection, and they came up trumps with their expert knowledge.
While deliberating during the break in the proceedings, the chairwoman joked quite dryly:
„The male attorneys here are acting as if they know everything there is to know about vacuum cleaners. But presumably none of them has ever used a vacuum cleaner himself at home!“
This incident showed me that even the highest German patent judges are still having fun doing their job.
What does GSKH represent for you?
On the one hand, large enough to be able to represent major global companies in all areas of intellectual property.
On the other hand, still small enough to be able to maintain a comfy working atmosphere in which one does not feel like a replaceable wheel in the gear.